Trustee Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) – Nov 11, 2014

Trustee Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) – Nov 11, 2014 post thumbnail image

Roxbury Free Library Trustees Meeting, Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Present: Elizabeth Carney, Don Breivogel-Williams, Carl Ellis, Sandra Carrillo, Jane
Pincus, Ryan Zajac Convened at 5:30 pm

MINUTES and TREASURER’S REPORT reviewed and unanimously approved. Vote:
5 yes, 0 abstentions, 0 no.


FRIENDS FUNDRAISING LETTER (first draft) discussed and changed as seen fit.
Ryan will add some specifics; Jane and Sandra will finish it and send it out.

LOGO: We will reimburse Anne for $350, spent for a designer. We will devise a
satisfactory logo in the future.

GIFT POLICY: Ryan drafted a comprehensive gift policy. Discussed, and will be
brought up next meeting for review and signing.

ARTS BUS: We cannot make a commitment to the Arts Bus. They’d like to do a
project with Roxbury. We will ask them how much of a fundraising effort would
be involved on our part.

DELEGATION OF PAYROLL PROCESSING: Discussed. Moved and approved that
Carl Ellis, separate from Treasurer, will be responsible for authorizing and
approving any payroll changes. Vote: 4 yes, 0 abstentions, 0 no.

2015-2016 BUDGET: Draft reviewed and discussed, to be finalized in December.

LIBRARY SPACE DISCUSSION: The children’s space will be enlarged in the future,
the computer tables moved and shelving reconceived.

VERIZON CLASS ACTION SUIT: Moved and approved that the Treasurer is not
required to join in the Verizon class action suit. Vote: 4 yes, 0 abstentions, 0 no.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.