Trustees Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) – Dec. 9, 2014

Trustees Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) – Dec. 9, 2014 post thumbnail image

Roxbury Free Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

December 9, 2014     5:30 pm

Call to Order: 5:30

  • Additions/Postponement of Agenda Items
    • None
  • Review and approval of minutes of 11/11/2014
    • A motion was made by Jane Pincus to accept the draft minutes as amended. Vote: 4 yes, 0 abstentions, 0 no. Approved
    • Last month’s minutes were amended to read “We will revisit the process of logo design in the future,” to replace “We will devise a satisfactory logo in the future.”
  • Review of Treasurer’s Report
    • Read and approved. The CPA has advised that the Trustees will be responsible for payroll and unemployment taxes in the future, instead of the town.
  • Library Director’s Report
    • Report highlighted that this coming Saturday, December 20th, is GO LIVE day, on which the computerization of the catalog will be completed.

Old Business

  • Budget
    • Discussed and altered to respond to our capacities and needs.
  • Friends Letter
    • Discussed
  • Gifts Policy
    • A motion was made by Jane Pincus to approve Gift Policy FINC 001. Vote: 5 yes, 0 abstentions, 0 no. Approved


  • Go Live
    • Discussed by the board
  • Arts Bus
    • We are waiting on information from The Arts Bus before continuing our discussion.

New business

  • Photoshop
  • Programs
  • Christmas gift list
    • These items were tabled due to relevance and need for board input.

Adjournment: 7:40 pm