Meeting 04/13/2023

Roxbury Free Library Board of Trustee's Meeting
April 13, 2023 at 17:00
Physical Meeting location:  Roxbury Free Library
Virtual Meeting location:  Zoom -
Meeting ID: 598 021 2288 or dial in at 1 301 715 8592 US

Roxbury Free Library Mission Statement:  Our mission is to develop and nourish the spirit and imagination of all individuals in our community to enrich their knowledge and understanding.  We will provide free access to library services, programs, resources, and information.  Our vision is to keep our library relevant in a complex world.  

1.017:00Call to Order
2.017:01Additions/Postponements of Agenda Items
3.017:05Consent Agenda
3.1 Review of Minutes of 03/09/2023 meeting
3.2 Review of Treasurer’s report
3.3 Review of Library Director’s report
4.017:15Additions to agenda
6.0Old business
6.117:25Discussion of facilities projects at the RFL (West stairs and Exterior lighting)
7.0New business
7.117:35 Discuss Green Up Day Book Sale & Raffle fundraiser (farmer’s market)
7.217:45 Discuss BYLA003-By Laws
8.0 Future Meetings
8.1 18:00 Next regular board meeting 04/13/2023