Meeting 1/12/2016

Meeting 1/12/2016 post thumbnail image

Minutes [draft]

Agenda Packet


Roxbury Free Library

Board of Trustees Meeting
January 12, 2016 at 17:30

1.0 Call to order
2.0 Additions/Postponements of Agenda Items
3.0 Review and approval of minutes of 12/8/2015 meeting
3.1 Review of Treasurer’s report
3.2 Library Director’s report
4.0 Additions to agenda
5.0 Old Business
5.1 Submit Budget for Town Report
5.2 Reading of revised ByLaws
6.0 New Business
6.1 Word and approve warning for Town Report
6.2 Submit names of Trustees running for reelection
6.3 Plan February Retreat agenda
6.4 Placement of non-print materials in Library collection
6.5 Plan programs – Jane
6.6 Communication with Town Clerk Office
7.0 Future Meetings
7.1 2/9/2016 next regular board meeting