Meeting 12/12/2017 – Cancelled due to weather

Meeting 12/12/2017 – Cancelled due to weather post thumbnail image

Tonight’s meeting of the RFL board of Trustees has been cancelled due to adverse weather and is rescheduled for the 19th of December at 6:00. 


Agenda Packet

Minutes [draft]



Roxbury Free Library

Board of Trustees’ Meeting

December 12, 2017 at 18:00

1.0 Call to order
2.0 Additions/Postponements of Agenda Items
3.0 Review and approval of minutes of 11/14/2017 meeting
3.1 Review of Treasurer’s report
3.2 Library Director’s report
4.0 Additions to agenda
5.0 Audience
6.0 Old Business
6.1 Review and approve proposed FY19 operating budget
6.2 Discuss Annual appeal responses and determine who will send tax receipts.
7.0 New Business
7.1 Discussion and action of staggering board terms and Andre Souligny’s resignation.
7.2 RFL staff’s request to use Eckfeldt Collection funds
7.3 Discuss Christmas gift list for local children
8.0 Future Meetings
8.1 1/9/2018 next regular board meeting
9.0 Adjournment