Meeting 11/10/2020 [POSTPONED]

Meeting 11/10/2020 [POSTPONED] post thumbnail image

Roxbury Free Library

Board of Trustees’ Meeting

November 10, 2020 at 17:30

Roxbury Community Center


1.0 Call to order
2.0 Additions/Postponements of Agenda Items
3.0 Consent Agenda
3.1 Review of draft minutes of 10/14/2020 meeting
3.2 Review of Treasurer’s report
3.3 Review of Library Director’s report
4.0 Additions to agenda
5.0 Audience
6.0 Old Business
6.1 Finalize annual appeal letter.
6.2Review PERS-001 and PERS-002
7.0 New Business
7.2First review and discussion of FY22 draft budget
8.0 Future Meetings
8.1 12/08/2020 next regular board meeting
9.0 Adjournment