COVID-19 & the RFL

The last few months have been confusing for our community as we grapple with the rapidly changing demands the spread of coronavirus and national civil unrest has brought to us.  It is no different at the library.  Throughout this time we have been preparing for the time to get the public back inside the building.  We are excited to announce the reopening of the RFL building to the public following the RFL COVID-19_Response_Plan (link above).  Please know that the decision was not taken lightly and that the safety of our patrons, staff, community, and the collection itself were forefront in our mind throughout the decision making process. 

As we hear about spikes in infections around the country I know this announcement may surprise some of you, we understand.  Please know that we are implementing a phased reopening that will safely meet all the safety requirements outlined in Vermont.  Please stay in touch with us and let us know what is working for you and how we can improve the model outlined in the RFL COVID-19_Response_Plan.  Your input will be invaluable as we navigate this situation we all find ourselves in.   


Free lending library – We will be setting up a free lending library on the porch of the library (when weather allows) for people to select books from without checking them out.  Feel free to pick one up at your convenience!  

Book returns – We welcome patrons to return books through the book return box if you are healthy and able.  All materials are quarantined for 7 days before being checked back into the circulation system.

Wifi – Wifi will stay on and patrons can use our wifi from outside the building 24/7 (no password required).   Have you noticed the “Roxbury Hot Spot” network in town?  That’s us, we just haven’t merged the names of the old and newly expanded networks yet. 

Downloadable Materials – If you have already set up an account through the Roxbury Free Library with the Listen Up Vermont (LUV), you can check out ebooks and audio books through  If you haven’t, please contact us and we will help you get setup.  You can also get free ebooks at 

Universal Class – More than 500 online classes available for free with your library account

Vermont Online Library – Fantastic databases on a wide-spectrum of topics

Learning Express – A powerful online platform to help prep for professional exams, job advancement, and more


Our COVID-19 post here contains our most up to date information about operations at the RFL during the closure.   Please call or email, we are here for you. 

Be well, stay entertained and informed.

In earnest,
RFL Staff

The following links provide helpful information and resources regarding COVID-19:

● Vermont Department of Health Resources
● What you need to know-COVID-19
● COVID-19 Travel Resource
● Handwashing 101 Resource