Nov. 11: Old Time “Crankie” Show

Sat. November 11th at 10:30

Crankie Picture Shows with Meredith Holch

We’re trying again everyone! We were sad to have to cancel the event in October, but don’t despair, here is your chance to see the show for real. Vermont story-maker Meredith Holch will perform three children’s “crankie picture shows” with Illustrations painted on a scroll and inserted into a wooden “crankie” box. As she turns the crank the pictures scroll by. After the show, kids are invited to see how the mechanics of the crankie work and to turn the crank. Viewers are welcome to dance to  the lively fiddle tunes and try their hand at “rock band” percussion play-alongs between stories. 

No RSVP Required for this event

?’s: or 485-6860