Meeting 04/09/2019

Meeting 04/09/2019 post thumbnail image

Roxbury Free Library

Board of Trustees’ Meeting

April 9, 2019 at 17:30


1.0 Call to order
2.0 Board reorganization
2.1Additions/Postponements of Agenda Items
3.0 Consent Agenda
3.1 Review of minutes of 02/09/2019 meeting
3.2 Review of Treasurer’s report
3.3 Review of Library Director’s report
4.0 Additions to agenda
5.0 Audience
6.0 Old Business
6.1 Make decisions regarding Green Up Day fundraising activities
6.2 Plan board reterat. Recap of VLCT Officer Training from Ed Carney
7.0 New Business
7.1 Review board By Laws (BYLA-003)
8.0 Future Meetings
5/4/2019 Green Up Day
1 5/12/2019 next regular board meetin
2 5/21/2019 F.OL. & Trustees Conference
5/22/2019 VLA Confeerence
9.0 Adjournment